Subject Overview
The Creative Industries are emerging as one of the fastest growing sectors in our economy and provide an increasing diverse range of opportunities for our youth. Currently many of our ex A level students are employed in a breath of sub sectors such as Fashion Textiles, Film and TV Production, Product Design, Photography, Graphics and Multimedia and Community Arts.
The Art Team endeavour to offer a vibrant supportive and challenging environment and student progress is celebrated and showcased throughout the school.
All Key Stage 3 students engage in a programme of study which refine their practical skills and expand their contextual and theoretical understanding of Art and Design through a range of briefs and themes. We aim to foster innovation through a growing ability to make connections, consider alternatives, risk take, problem solve, research, analyse and refine ideas.
Key Stage 4 and 5 follow the CCEA Specifications in Art and Design.
Members of Staff
Mr A. O'Doherty (Head of Department)
Mr S. Quigley
Mr P. Elliker
Mrs G. McBride (Technician)
Additional Information
Afterschool and lunch time clubs, artist workshops, visiting speakers and Gallery visits support a vibrant programme of study. We are very fortunate to have the Roe Valley Arts Centre with its engaging programme of events just a short walk away.
Useful links
The Art and Design department currently provide additional support via the following:
Google Classroom (please see your class teacher for the enrolment code)