Limavady High School students celebrate excellent A Level success!
Limavady High School students and staff are celebrating yet another fantastic set of results for this year’s A-level students. 100% of students achieved 2 or more A-levels at A*- E with 69% of all students achieving A*- C grades in 3 or more subjects. The hard work and motivation of our students ensures that the outcomes are a real credit to them, and we wish them every success as they prepare for the next chapter in their lives.
Principal, Mr Mornin commented that, “we are thrilled with our students’ achievements and are very impressed by their diligence and excellent approach to learning, which is evident in these outstanding results. I would also like to place on record my thanks to the dedicated and hardworking staff at the school who always go the extra mile for all our students. Many of our students will be leaving with A-levels and to have a high proportion of A*- C grades is a real achievement for them. They have been highly successful in both academic and vocational courses too. Pupils from Limavady High School will be leaving here to take up places ranging from some of the most prestigious universities in the UK to highly acclaimed vocational courses and to eagerly sought-after apprenticeship schemes”.
Principal Darren Mornin continued, “Limavady High School has a commitment to supporting students achieving what they want in life, and we are dedicated to our motto of ‘Work Hard - Be Kind’.
As always, we are delighted with the performance of all our students and they will be proud of what they have accomplished. A few highlights include:
· Madison Duff: A*,A, B
· Aimee Gault: A*,A, B
· Jack McCorkell: A, Dist*, Dist*
· Abbie Sinclair: A, A, B
· Natalie Parkhill: A,A, Dist
It is a delight to share in our students’ success and excitement about their futures and to hear personally from them how big a difference attending Limavady High School has made to their aspirations”.
Mr Mornin concluded, “these results highlight that the curriculum on offer for our Sixth Form provides a wonderful opportunity for students to truly fulfil their potential in a caring and vibrant school and we look forward to more students joining us. I would like to also extend my gratitude to our partner schools in the Roe Valley Learning Community who have supported and contributed to the success of our students. Year on year, we strive to develop and further improve so that our students can flourish and move on confidently to the next stage of their lives. I am sure students and their families are as excited as I am about these results. We are really proud of you all and wish you all every success in the future.”
If you are interested in enquiring about a Sixth Form place, please contact the school office on 02877762526